Friday, August 20, 2010

My dog chewed up Nystatin cream and she ate a little bit and she started vomiting last night?

Now her heart rate is 160 but really Harder then usual she is a yorkie poo a smaller dog her vomit was moucusy and a couple pieces of dog food (whole pieces) so I had thought she had been chocking on that but then I found the Nystatin cream I have tried giving her water but she only took a couple of drinks i am waiting for a vet to open or should I bring her in as an emergency?My dog chewed up Nystatin cream and she ate a little bit and she started vomiting last night?
It's better to take her in as an emergency. Take the tube of Nystatin with you to the vet. She's a small dog and a little bit of a bad thing can affect her faster and worse than it would a larger dog breed.

It's better to be safe than sorry. Please go now. -!-My dog chewed up Nystatin cream and she ate a little bit and she started vomiting last night?
I know Nystatin oral cannot be absorbed by the body. It goes right through you. That's why when people get thrush, they tell you to apply it to the cheeks, and hold it there for a few seconds, then swallow. I don't know if the cream works similarly, but Nystatin cannot be absorbed internally. She would only digest the inactive ingredients.
I would bring her in just to be time give your dog a teaspoon of peroxide and she will immidiatly throw up. I had to do that to my dog many times.
It's probably not toxic to dogs, as the active ingredient is pretty much only absorbed by the fungi that it's intended to treat. In fact, there are oral versions of nystatin for treating fungal infections in the mouth and throat. The non-active parts of the thrush cream are probably what's making her sick, but I imagine that stuff is pretty nasty-tasting and would make even a dog puke. I've never actually tried eating antifungal cream, though, so I'm just guessing.

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