Monday, August 23, 2010

2year old has bad eczema. Wakes up crying and scratching at night. Tried all creams nothing is working.?

My son had bad excema too. The doctor recommended using mild detergent, no fabric softener, only 100% cotton clothes, and bath products containing no perfumes or dyes. She also said to give him quick baths, not every day, and then to quickly slather on a heavy moisturizing cream like Cetophil (the kind you scoop out with your hand, not pump out of a bottle). She said to moisturize often, not just after a bath. When it got really bad, we used a steroid cream, but that should be limited.

My son is four now, and still gets excema, though not nearly as bad as before. It's worse in the winter, and seems to disappears in the summer. A mild case pops up when we get a little too relaxed putting the cream on him (still)...

Hope this helps and good luck!2year old has bad eczema. Wakes up crying and scratching at night. Tried all creams nothing is working.?
Really sorry to hear.

You could try this aromatherapy oil - it works on my daughter- and it relieves the itch very fast.

They work with allergies and give samples so you know if it works2year old has bad eczema. Wakes up crying and scratching at night. Tried all creams nothing is working.?
See your GP but you can use Piriton syrup to stop itching its used for this ..
dermatologist! he probably needs a prescription.
get an allergy test. many times eczema is caused from allergies to environment or food.
I would change detergents or wash your toddlers clothing and bedding in nothing but hot water . Use dove soap at bath time and aquaphore healing ointment after baths and at bedtime. Also a lot of dairy can cause flair ups I know when my daughter drinks tons of milk or eats cheese she gets a flair up . If none of this works or you tried it and it didn't work then your toddler might need a cream with steroids to help so take your toddler to his/her pediatrician . I hope your little one feels better soon : )
My son had a REALLY bad rash which I thought was eczema. So, at his next dr appt, I said something about it. The dr told me to quit using lotions...his skin was getting too much moisture or something. And to put hydrocortizone twice a day to clear it up. It worked. I dont suggest trying anything w/o consulting the babies dr first though. But, I thought Id give you something to ask him/her about!
Try Aveeno bath or the cream. My friend, her son has it and that works she said. I use Hydrocortizone cream on my daughter it does ok, but hers isn't bad.
try bathing him/her in an oat meal bath. believe me.. it works!
My very fair children have all had problems with eczema, so I feel for you! Give your child tepid baking soda baths, no soap. Check your laundry detergent - some detergents actually make the eczema worse. Get a prescription cream from your pediatrician. A 2% cream can be used safely for up to 4 days, then a week long break, then use it again (you can cause other skin problems by using it too much). Sew soft cotton socks onto your child's jammie arms (over his hands) so he can't take them off to prevent harsh scratching until the eczema is better, and make sure you keep a humidifier running in his room at night. And give him something soothing at night - like Sleepytime tea - to calm him before he goes to sleep and help him stay asleep (don't drug him, just soothe).

Hope he's better soon!
Get allergy tests done. I have eczema and so does my niece. Hers is really bad. More often than not, it is the result of allergies. My niece is on prescription creams and soaps for hers. You should talk with a doctor about what treatment should be done.
both of my boys have different forms of eczema the only thing that worked was Desowen cream I think the generic name is desonide but it is avaliable thru prescription only kinda pricey but i could always stretch it bc it worked so well i hope you figure this out i know it makes you both miserable in the middle of the night
Change his detergent. That irritated my sons eczema. Also try Cera Ve a cream that sells at CVS. You might have to have the doctor prescribe some steroid cream if it is really bad.
My daughter had really bad eczema and the only thing I found that worked was Gentle Naturals Baby Eczema Cream. I always had to buy it at Walgreens or CVS. I could never find it at Walmart or Target. Hope this helps!
Go to a dermatologist. My 4 yr old niece had severe eczema and we took her to the dermatologist. He prescribed her a cream for her skin and stuff to put in her bath. Worked like a charm!

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