I know wedding days are exhausting, but should you bring extra stuff to spice up the night, or just do the 'natural' things and go to sleep!??(~a little taboo*?*)Depending on your energy level on your wedding night, should you bring 'toys' and creams*~
Oh honey.... the whole point of a wedding night is to consamate the wedding.... and you both know it... go prepared... there's the rest of your life to sleep... wedding night sex only happens once in a marriage though!!(~a little taboo*?*)Depending on your energy level on your wedding night, should you bring 'toys' and creams*~
My wife and I were pretty calm on our wedding night, but got a little more ';active'; on our honeymoon. It's usually too late and you're too tired on your wedding night, (at least we were) to get too acrobatic on the wedding night!
Gee, on your first night together, I think the two of you can figure out what to do without accoutrement.
You can bit a girl scout and always be prepared but don't be disappointed if you don't use them. From what all my friends tell me they are almost too pooped to consumate the marriage on their wedding night depending on the intensity of the wedding and reception. Maybe this is why it's good to have weddings in the mid day.
travel light
if things get boring,
call room service
or, knock on the room next door for extra supplies
Go ahead and pack your toys. They will be there if you deceide you want to ';spice'; up the night. If you don't use them, no harm done. If you feel you may be to exhausted, pack a couple energy drinks. You only have one wedding night. Maybe you could check out a few new positions or Kama Sutra and suprise him. Have Fun!
I was a virgin my wedding night so we went natural and we were so tired anyways that we had a magical night and then went to sleep!!!
But if you have had sex with your fiance then I would say go for it. It would spice things up a little bit!!!
if you and your spouse are into that type of thing or just used them once in a while to spice things up then by all means take them along!!! on your wedding night you can always find the energy to do that!!!!!!!!!!!!
Save it. In fact, when the wife and I were married, we decided not to indulge on the first night.
I would hold off until you are certain your spouse won't get freaked out at this.
If you are a virgin on your wedding night, just let nature take its course and enjoy.
If you aren't, then what's the difference? A wedding night would just be any other night to a couple who have already been intimate. So let personal choice dictate what you do.
Whatever you're up for chica - remember your wedding night sex only happens once in a marriage so who cares if you're tired? All the work is over, all the people are gone, now it's time for you are your man to have some play time! Have fun!
Well lets assume your having a real honeymoon......by all means bring stuff. Its probably more important to not attempt it the first night if you've partied like there is no tomorrow.........which is perfectly legit considering it is the most expensive party you will ever throw. I think its better to spend the entire next day making love......than to be disappointed in the performance....
Think of it this way.....who wouldn't go for a nice massage after a wedding.......you know your feet will be killing you, what if he started rubbing them.....little massage oil.....working up your calves....get the idea????? Have a blast, and congrats.
your wedding day is supposed to be special in all ways...but you've probably already shared some very intimate moments...relax on this evening after consumating the union with a bottle of wine and reflecting on the days events...there will be plenty more evenings to get wild with your new partner!
Whatever floats your boat.
Whatever you have the energy for ... than there's always the next morning ;-)
On our honeymoon we never went to sleep.......Enjoy it.....It will be a memory you will never want to forget..Good Luck
Hey nowadays anything goes. It really depends on you mood and his. The best way would be to talk about it beforehand. That way you can get an idea of what he likes and you can share with him what you like. Heck if anything you would both be happy because the best part of it is your both together and even if you only made love once then both fell asleep, as long as you both were happy that is really all that matters.
Why not do both? Have the first round as nature intended, then take a break. Have the wild sex in a second round with the added spice. There is no reason you can only have one round of sex on your wedding night. Trust me, your energy level will be fine :-)
Geez, maybe I'm old fashion............but I've always thought the ';wedding night'; was a night to consamate the marriage.
Why not bring the toys and creams out the following night or even later down the road when the two of you NEED the spiceing up!
Tacky tacky.Go natural this one night.Its supposed to be a special and beautiful night to remember not something where the groom is thinking how can i compete with a rabbit vibrator.
if you are both into that stuff, sure why not!
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