Monday, July 26, 2010

What is the best thing for hot flashes and night sweats? OTC progesterone cream isn't helping.?

I am trying to avoid presciption hormones.What is the best thing for hot flashes and night sweats? OTC progesterone cream isn't helping.?
Women experience a variety of symptoms of menopause, but the hot flash is the one most discussed. During menopause the body produces less estrogen and progesterone. As a result, the thermostat in our brain, the hypothalamus, gets mixed signals: is it hot or cold? It is as if it cannot decide between these states. This oscillation causes our blood vessels to expand and contract on an irregular and unpredictable basis. With an increased blood flow in the body, a feeling of heat and a flush starts on the face, the neck, and continues to the chest. Some women perspire, others really sweat! Sometimes a chill follows a hot flash. You'd be cold, too, if you were hot and soaking wet in the middle of winter, and suddenly someone turned off the heat. Depending on the intensity of the hot flash, some women may get headaches, feel weak, dizzy, tired or lose sleep. Some may experience palpitations, skipped or erratic heartbeats. Remember to be sure to check with your health care practiioner before attributing any of the above symptoms to menopause. Hot flashes can be the sign of illness or medical disorders.

Some women report that they knew they were about to have the experience before it happened. An aura, or premonition, may feel like nausea, or a tingling or pressing sensation in the head. Some women become weak in the knees, dizzy and have to sit down. Others experience heart palpitations before or as the flash begins and while it's occurring.

The upper body, from the chest to the scalp, may begin to sweat profusely. You may also ';flush,'; that is, become red as you flash. Heart rate and skin blood flow increase, although internal body temperature may drop by as much as three or four degrees as the body struggles to correct the imbalance. After the flash, the body quickly becomes chilled as it struggles to regain its normal temperature. Most flashes last about three to six minutes, although it's possible to have one that goes on as long as an hour.

Hot flashes are sudden waves of heat that can start in the waist or chest and work their way to the neck and face and sometimes over the rest of the body. The upper body, from the chest to the scalp may begin to sweat profusely. You may also ';flush,'; that is, become red as you flash.

Heart rate and skin blood flow increase, although internal body temperature may drop by as much as three or four degrees as the body struggles to correct the imbalance. After the flash, the body quickly becomes chilled as it struggles to regain its normal temperature. There's no real ';average'; when it comes to duration. Some flashes can last 15 to 30 seconds, while others from 3 to 6 minutes. Most women who've come through Power Surge have described theirs as approximately 5 minutes, but they can last as long as 30 minutes to even an hour. They can hit as often as every 90 minutes. While in the throes of perimenopause, I used to say I had a hot flash once a day -- ALL DAY!

Hot flashes are more common in the evening and during hot weather. Seventy-five to 80 percent of women going through menopause experience hot flashes. Some are more bothered by them than others.

Ways of coping with hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause can be found in other areas on the site -- with special attention to the Recommendations Page

How Long Does a Hot Flash Last?

Hot flashes may last two to three minutes or up to 30 minutes. They may occur several times a day, or feel like they're occurring all day! They can occur once a week, maybe never. Hot flashes may happen once or twice, or continue for up to ten years. No wonder women think they are going crazy!

Who Experiences Hot Flashes?

Seventy-five percent of women experience some form of a hot flash. Hot flashes can be a nuisance and even debilitating (when extreme) but they may have positive side to them. Vicki Noble, author of ';Shakti Woman,'; a book about feminine power, suggests that hot flashes can be viewed as a natural cleansing of our body [I think most of us would rather remain 'dirty']. The increased temperature may be nature's way of killing off cancer cells and viruses that might otherwise lead to illness later on.

Hot flashes are rushes of heat primarily to the head and neck region occurring when blood vessels near the surface of the skin dilate. Some women have a premonition of an impending hot flash which may be felt as pressure in the head, anxiety, a tingling sensation, or nausea. The sensation of heat may also be widespread. The heart rate increases. Surges of blood to the hands can result in a tingling sensation. Following a flash, body temperature drops and many women experience a chill. There is no change in blood pressure at this time. About eighty percent of American women experience hot flashes at some time during menopause. They last mostly anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes but, in rare cases, can extend to a half hour or about an hour. They are associated with but not necessarily caused by fluctuating levels of estrogen since women who experience hot flashes and those who don't have been known to have the same levels of estrogen, according to Susan Weed in ';Menopausal Years';. Weed's book is an extraordinarily useful source for herbal information about hot flashes and other menopausal changes. Most women have hot flashes for a period between two months and two years. A smaller percentage continue to have them a decade after their last menstrual flow. The worst hot flashes are often experienced by women who have an abrupt loss of ovarian estrogen due to surgery, radiation or chemotherapy.

Thinner women may experience more hot flashes since fat cells convert hormones secreted by the adrenals into estrogen [in other words, it's wise to retain a little extra weight during meno].

Hot flashes are much less common in non-western cultures. Studies in Japan, Hong Kong, Pakistan and Mexico suggest that 10 percent or less of menopausal women experience hot flashes. The low incidence in Japan has been linked to high soy bean consumption which stimulates estrogen production, which is why many women have turned to natural plant estrogens, aka soy phytoestrogen / isoflavones, such as found in products like Revival Soy Protein , which is very high in soy isoflavones -- the magic inside the soybean that acts similarly to estrogen replacement therapy. In American society, about 75% of women will experience hot flashes. Many will be able to cope with them without using anything. Many others will have very difficult hot flashes that require some form of treatment. Night sweats and hot flashes can be tough to handle and can cause interrupted sleep, insomnia, panic attacks, anxiety, depression can lead to extreme fatigue and anxiety.

Hot flashes can be categorized as mild, moderate or severe. Mild flashes last less than a minute and produce a feeling of warmth with little or no perspiration. Moderate flashes are warmer, produce obvious perspiration, and last 2 to 3 minutes. Severe flashes causes profuse perspiration, generate intense heat, last longer and interfere with ongoing activity.

Clothes made of natural fibers (cotton, wool, silk) can disperse heat away from the body. It is more practical to dress in layers so that clothing can be removed and added as needed.

Hot flashes deplete our bodies of the B vitamins, vitamin C, and magnesium and potassium, so it is helpful to increase our consumption of these nutrients [don't forget Calcium].

Triggers for hot flashes include spicy food, hot drinks, alcoholic drinks, white sugar (sugar can also cause palpitations), stress, hot weather, hot tubs and saunas, tobacco and marijuana and anger, especially when unexpressed, Susan Weed reports.

The medical profession has generally ignored natural, less risky approaches to hot flashes in favor of HRT - Hormone Replacement Therapy. Alternative approaches tend to strengthen and support the endocrine system. Natural remedies work in conjunction with a healthy diet and adequate exercise and tend to work more slowly.

It is important when using herbs and vitamins to pay attention to our bodies' responses and to remember that natural doesn't mean we can take large amounts of a substance without thinking of side effects. Herbs are generally available individually or in combination in capsule or extract form. It is very difficult to prescribe exact doses for herbal remedies since every body responds differently. Sometimes it is useful to work with someone who is familiar with herbs and vitamins to get advice on dosages and adjustments.

For ordinary hot flashes, try vitamin E with dosages between 400 and 800 IUs daily [many women take 1000 - 1200 IU's, but in the case of vitamins and herbs, more is not always better. D-alpha tocopherol means that it comes from a natural source, but DL alpha means a synthetic. The vitamin E I use is mixed tocopherols.

One common regimen is vitamin E, 600 to 800 IUs daily with vitamin C. When flashes subside, take 400 IUs daily. Perhaps 50 percent to 66 percent of women will find Vitamin E effective. However, it may take 2 to 6 weeks before the effects are really felt. Women who are diabetic or taking high blood pressure medication or with rheumatic heart conditions should take vitamin E under a doctor's supervision [It's advisable that women with a history of hypertension not take dosages higher than 200 IU of Vitamin E at a time]. Do not take vitamin E with digitalis.

Bioflavonoid in supplements of 250 mg five to six times daily can help relieve hot flashes.

Herbs commonly used to alleviate hot flashes include ginseng, black cohosh, vitex agnus castii, blue cohosh, dong quai, *wild yam root* [natural progesterone, licorice root, false unicorn and sarsaparilla. Experiment with using one herb or several in combination.

Evening primrose oil alleviates hot flashes and promotes restful sleep. These benefits may be due to the gamma linolenic acid in the oil which is said to influence prostaglandin production. (Evening primrose oil is used to relieve premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and tenderness of fibrocystic breasts). Depending on the amount of primrose oil in each capsule, effective dosages vary from 2 to 8 capsules a day. (A Friend Indeed, November, 1985).

Chickweed tincture (25 to 40 drops) once or twice a day reduces the severity and frequency of hot flashes.

A few homeopathic remedies suggested by Susan Weed in ';Menopausal Years'; and Diane Stein in ';The Natural Remedy Book for Woman'; are Lachesis for mental irritation and hot flashes, Pulsatilla for hot flashes followed by intense chills and emotional upset, Valeriana for intense sweating and insomnia and Sepia for flashes that make you feel exhausted and depressed. Another excellent reference book is Dee Ito's ';Without Estrogen.'; See The Power Surge Bookstore for links to these books. See The Power Surge Library for transcript of these experts guest chats.

Drink several cups of sage tea daily. Use one tablespoon of sage per cup of water and infuse it for twenty minutes.

Many women get relief from OTC (over the counter) topical natural progesterone creams. It is a transdermal cream and is absorbed through the skin and carried directly to where it is needed. It is non-toxic and without the same sorts of side effects as synthetic progestins. Be advised that some women have problems even with natural progesterone -- irritability, anxiety and other issues while others benefit greatly from it. Stronger doses of natural progesterone creams are available through Pharmaceutical Consultant, Pete Hueseman, R.Ph, R.D. who can provide various modalities for progesterone supplementation -- all natural.

Acupuncture, meditation and biofeedback have helped women find relief from hot flashes.

Exercise helps to decrease hot flashes by lowering the amount of circulating FSH and LH and by raising endorphine levels (which drop during a hot flash). Even 20 minutes three times a week can significantly reduce hot flashes.

Slow abdominal breathing, six to eight breaths per minute, can bring about a 40 percent decrease in frequency of hot flashes, according to two research psychologists from Wayne State University. Women used this technique for 15 minutes twice a day and when they felt a hot flash coming on. (';A Friend Indeed';, April, 1993).

In extremely hot flashes, try:

Black cohosh root extract, 30 to 60 drops [or capsules] when taken up to four times a day.

Ginseng has earned respect as a way to alleviate hot flashes. The most useful is panex sold as Korean ginseng or American ginseng. (';A Friend Indeed';, Nov.,1985). Dosages vary according to body weight. The easiest way to be sure what dosage you are getting is to buy it in capsule form. Use 500 mg twice a day for those weighing less than 130lbs., three times a day for those up to 160 lbs., and four times daily for those over 160 lbs. Ginseng works best on an empty stomach and can be taken before breakfast and before dinner. It is recommended that you not eat fruit for two hours after taking ginseng and that you take it separately from any vitamin supplement. It is not advised for women with high blood pressure or diabetes. Women with asthma or emphysema would do well to avoid ginseng because of its histamine liberating properties. Ginseng is also available in tinctures, teas and tonics.

Motherwort extract, 25 to 40 drops every four hours.

Royal jelly can be bought in Chinatown or in a health food store. Use 3 to 7 glass ampules a week.

Bee pollen, 500 mg, 3 tablets per day reduces hot flashes for some women. Sucking on a piece of hard candy has been known to head off a hot flash or moderate an intense one.

For night sweats, try homeopathic Nux vomica when you are awakened and feel chilled and irritable. Use all cotton sheets and natural fibers. Use 10 to 25 drops of Motherwort extract three times a day or upon awakening with a night sweat. You will notice a difference in two to four weeks. For prompt relief, use an infusion of garden sage.What is the best thing for hot flashes and night sweats? OTC progesterone cream isn't helping.?
get a fan or an air conditioner and a bottle of rubbing alchol.Put the alcholin a spray bottle and spray yourself while the fan is blowing on you.this is only temporary but it works.
There is no empiracal data supporting anything other than hormone replacement.

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