Monday, July 26, 2010

Eating ice cream at night vs in the afternoon??

i have heard some people say that our body burn calories slower at night so eating too late at night will make us fat

is that true that our body will more likely to store fat at night??

suppose i eat an ice cream in the morining or in the afternoon and i can just burn all those calories, can i still burn all them if i eat it at night??

I LOVE ICE CREAM!!! =]Eating ice cream at night vs in the afternoon??
Our metabolism system works slow at night. If you want to burn it, you can eat around 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. since our metabolism system works very fast at this time.Eating ice cream at night vs in the afternoon??
If you eat calories during the day, the chances of you burning them off during the rest of the day is high. You will walk around school/work, or wherever else you will go. If you are active during the day, you will have a great chance of burning your calories. If you eat late at night, you will go to sleep and the calories will just lay there with you, you will not be able to burn them overnight, you must be active. During the day is the perfect time to burn your calories.
well in the afternoon you probably do burn more because your doing something working, walking, or or doing something

in the evening fat can build up if you eat ice-cream in the evening because your not doing anything like you are in the afternoon.

But if your not doing anything at all at either times ice-cream can develope into fat because you are not doing anything to burn it off
Yes! It's not such a good idea to eat ice cream at night because your body will store all the fat etc that you're not burning off. I suggest you eat icream in the afternoon and then in the evenings go for a long walk or do some form of exercise.

I made the mistake of having a chocolate eclair at 11pm. Naughty me!
well at night you sleep. you don't exercise so u don't really burn calories at all. in the afternoon you exercise more then you do at night right. so that means u burn calories. if you want to burn calories then its best to exercise after eating ice cream. eat it whenever you want just make sure u burn the calories afterwards.
i think it's true.. when it's at night esp before you go to bed, fat builds up rapidly..

and after eating icecream in the afternoon i suppose you'd take in proportionately less for dinner...


you usually get to move around at day time but stay still on the sofa at night..

so.. i recommend eating ice cream at earlier time of a day..
if you eat it during the day, you are using those calories throughout the day and burning it, if you do it at night, and not doing much of anything anymore, its most likely going to go to your a $$. I like ice cream too, I dont need to eat it all day and night.
No difference as far as I know

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