Friday, August 20, 2010

I am 30 and no wrinkles I need anti-wrinkle creams, night treatments, serums, etc.?

Definitely because wrinkles will start appearing in your 30's. Prevention is the key because once you get them, there is no turning back. I would say use a moisturizer with an spf (at least) because the sun is the #1 sign of visable agingI am 30 and no wrinkles I need anti-wrinkle creams, night treatments, serums, etc.?
#1 rule for wrinkle-free skin: Limit or avoid sun exposure. I've always worn sunscreen and I look 8-10 years younger than I really am. I'd look even younger if I had just avoided the sun in my youth. Sun damage starts to show at about age 25.

Also, ALWAYS wear sunglasses when you are outside. One summer I lost mine and never got another just that short period of time, I noticed the first signs of crow's feet. I was 28 years old. Luckily, I've been very careful since and they haven't gotten too much worse.

I wouldn't bother with any anti-wrinkle stuff yet. I would look into a light moisturizer w/a sunscreen for day and a good cream for nighttime. Also, get a product made specifically for your eye area. When you are 35, step it up to anti-aging products. Oil of Olay and Dove have some wonderful products for now and for later.I am 30 and no wrinkles I need anti-wrinkle creams, night treatments, serums, etc.?
you need to take a deep breath and relax. Remember the difference between pride and vanity? Seriously, why worry about such a simple thing. A mature woman, looks better than a ';young'; one anyday. And at 30, you have a long ways to go before you should be concerned. Watch how much sun exposure you get and enjoy life.
of course you do, you should atleast moisturise!!! and if you do, its not guna harm u using anti wrinkle stuff! it will prevent it, i use anti wrinkle creams and im 19!! be good to your skin, or it will show!!! x
I've always heard using moisturizer before u really need it is the best way to go
It depends on how well your skin is holding up in the sebum department. The wrinkles could very well hit you suddenly if you don't take preventative measures. Just pay attention to how oil production is changing in your skin and adjust your routine to that.

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